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Paul Carr
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Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 123
Views: 373,938 Screener's Choice: 0
Favorites: 286 People's Choice: 0
Comments: 59 Photo of the Week: 0
Avg Views: 3,040.15
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Personal Information
Location: San Jose, California, USA
Occupation: Teacher's Aide, Musician
Website: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1585329523
Interests: Trains, Rock Music, Drums, Baseball, Road Trips, Good Scenery, Classic Video Games, Good Food.

Camera Equipment
Camera Used: Canon PowerShot A520, Canon PowerShot SD550 Digital ELPH (Feb 2006 - July 2007) Canon Digital Rebel XTi (July 2007 - Present)
Lenses Used: 58mm

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