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John Witthaus
- Contact John Witthaus -

Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 957
Views: 2,549,476 Screener's Choice: 2
Favorites: 2,968 People's Choice: 1
Comments: 449 Photo of the Week: 0
Avg Views: 2,664.03
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Personal Information
Location: Hastings, MN, USA
Occupation: CPRail Locomotive Engineer - St. Paul Terminal
Interests: Photography, Railroads, Drag Racing/Performance Street Cars

Camera Equipment
Camera Used: Canon Digital Rebel T5i
Lenses Used: Canon 18-55mm, Canon 55-250mm, Canon 75-300mm

Photo Albums
ALCO Safari!Album Views: 6,594
Photos from all of my ALCO encounters, as well as from my 2021 "ALCO Safari" road trip, where I visited 5 ALCO powered short lines!

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