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Craig Walker
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Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 4,887
Views: 18,711,217 Screener's Choice: 1
Favorites: 44,674 People's Choice: 6
Comments: 2,506 Photo of the Week: 2
Avg Views: 3,828.77
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Personal Information
Location: Orange, California
Occupation: New Product Development for a model railroad manufacturer
Website: https://www.flickr.com/photos/craig_walker/
Interests: Railfanning (naturally), Photography (who'd a thunk?), Music, Travel

Camera Equipment
Camera Used: Nikon D7500 for digital (Minolta 7000L for slides)
Lenses Used: 18-300 mm zoom

Photo Albums
Hooping Up OrdersAlbum Views: 5,909
Handing off trainorders to crews by using dead trees.
Magnetic Flagmen (aka Wig-Wags)Album Views: 12,295
Hard to find today, wig-wags are interesting grade crossing protection.
LogosAlbum Views: 18,043
The icons that give identity to the various railroads ...
NosesAlbum Views: 14,019
The view one gets right before getting run over ...
Towers - Crossroads of RailroadingAlbum Views: 24,029
A collection of photos showing interlocking towers, once railroading's "traffic control" ...
Moving PeopleAlbum Views: 38,334
A collection of streetcars and subways
Trains and Baseball StadiumsAlbum Views: 10,433
... And, for fairness, I'll include stadiums for other sports as well ...
Depots, Stations and TerminalsAlbum Views: 64,129
Railroad stations come in a wide variety of sizes and styles, and this album will attempt to catalog these.

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Photo: raylewis
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