Posted by Darryl Rule on April 13, 2008 
Cool shot Dustin, combines my two loves in life. I keep wanting to get a shot similar to this but haven't been successful yet. One day.
Posted by Mike Thomas on April 13, 2008 
Awesome photo! I nominated it for People's Choice!
Posted by William J Manon Jr. on April 14, 2008 
Great shot, Nicely Done.
Posted by David Grizzle on April 14, 2008 
Nice shot idea, and I love the remark!
Posted by Geographer on April 14, 2008 
Posted by Cliff Cessna on April 16, 2008 
Yet another spectacular shot, Dustin! I really like how you can take both the interesting as well as the otherwise boring locations along this line and make them into something so stunning. I always look forward to seeing your latest work on RP!
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