Posted by Stephen Dance on January 10, 2010 
Lovely picture and fantastic lighting - PCA vote here
Posted by Indecline on January 10, 2010 
Very nice use of your light.
Posted by Mike Hemming on January 10, 2010 
That’s just brilliant
Posted by Ross Fotheringham on January 10, 2010 
Love the lighting with the perfect reflection. Very nice..... Voted.
Posted by Cinderpath on January 10, 2010 
Wowsers! That is an amazing image!
Posted by Mitch Goldman on January 10, 2010 
Ethereal... a spectacular photo, Ron.
Posted by Bob Avery on January 10, 2010 
Superb shot. PCA from me too.
Posted by David Honan on January 10, 2010 
Utterly stunning. Beautiful job capturing this moment, Ron!
Posted by Mont Panichjeerasin on January 13, 2010 
Absolutely stunning, me too!
Posted by Steve Carter on January 15, 2010 
Outstanding! Well deserved "Editors Pic".
Posted by Ryan M. Martin on February 7, 2010 
I keep looking at this photo because it's like out of a dream or something. A spectacular moody image!
Posted by Huiala Andrei Edward on September 18, 2010 
This picture is beautiful...
Posted by Simon Lathlane on August 22, 2011 
Wow what a gorgeous photo Ron stunning reflection and what a superb glint.
Posted by on October 17, 2013 
It's so beautiful
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