Posted by Walter Scriptunas II - on March 27, 2010 
Great shot Justin. Amazing location!
Posted by Nscalemike on March 27, 2010 
Terrific capture Justin! Looking forward to your LA&SL images!
Posted by Ray Peacock on March 27, 2010 
Smooth as velvet.
Posted by Jason Cary on March 28, 2010 
Very Nice....
Posted by Travis Dewitz on March 28, 2010 
Incredible shot!
Posted by on March 30, 2010 
Simply amazing! Well deserved POTW and a soon to be PCA!
Posted by Scott Lothes on March 30, 2010 
Sweet shot, Justin! I love the texture of the green, shadowy hills.
Posted by Steve Carter on March 30, 2010 
Well done Justin!
Posted by Isaac Thomas on March 31, 2010 
Nice one CoastMan.
Posted by on March 31, 2010 
What Chase said and great job. Congrats!
Posted by Samuel Phillips on March 31, 2010 
Very Nice! PCA from me!
Posted by Marty Bernard on March 31, 2010 
PCA from me too. How do you get to the tracks? I find no roads or gated roads in that area.
Posted by on March 31, 2010 
That is just awesome. This is easily a favorite to me.
Posted by Carson Goodling on April 26, 2010 
This is wonderful, Justin. It has the feel of a an illustration from a fairy tale book somewhere in the old country long ago.
Posted by Alex Pritchard on December 8, 2010 
Nice Shot!
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