Posted by on July 26, 2010 
What a view! Very nice, Dave! PCA vote from me.
Posted by Mitch Goldman on July 26, 2010 
Just the bolt of energy required to jump start the SC machine. Congrats, it was well deserved.
Posted by Ken Kuehne on July 26, 2010 
Holy Cow! SPECTACULAR SHOT! What an amazing location that you've captured perfectly!
Posted by Michael Da Costa on July 26, 2010 
BEAUTIFUL SHOT David, love how both trains shown are incorporated into the vast Canadian geological landscape, this one is getting a PCA from me. Here's the train number plus power, if you'd like to know. Train ID - CN C73151 23, Power - CN2285, CN5731.
Posted by Michael Harding on July 26, 2010 
Stunning view! Great job.
Posted by Steven M. Welch on July 26, 2010 
Dear Mr. Honan: I'd appreciate it if you would consider not submitting such stunning images, jaw-dropping ones. Due to this spectacular photograph, my jaw has now punched a large hole in the floor. Thanks! Well, anyways, I don't know what else to say, except you've got another PCA vote coming your way.
Posted by Nick Wilson on July 26, 2010 
Gorgeous shot Dave - looks like your most recent British Columbia trip was a good one.
Posted by Loyd Lowry on July 26, 2010 
A wonderful scene David. PCA from me.
Posted by Scott Lothes on July 26, 2010 
Stunning scene, David! Great composition and color.
Posted by Chris Henchey on July 26, 2010 
Just a spectacular scene! Very well captured David!
Posted by Indecline on July 26, 2010 
I hear you were standing next to GOD while shooting this one. Good job.
Posted by Adam Pizante on July 27, 2010 
I guess all there is to say is wow what a shot Dave! PCA on the way.
Posted by Ryan Dadgari on July 27, 2010 
Another great image from a great photographer. Well deserved SC, and I'm sure the PCA is in the works!
Posted by on July 27, 2010 
Great great picture. We share the same taste for spectacular railroad photography. When do we do railfanning together?
Posted by Matthew Wilson on July 27, 2010 
This is a wonderful shot. Normally it would be easy to criticise the shadow, but the two passing trains are easy enough compensation, and it is a wonderful scene. PCA vote from me
Posted by Steve Smedley on July 27, 2010 
Very nice image Dave, like how the trains wrap around those lumpy mountains! Smeds
Posted by on July 27, 2010 
Not bad Dave and just think who showed you the area.
Posted by AtlantaRails on July 27, 2010 
This is just stunning, cant really think of words to properly describe it. Great work David.
Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on July 27, 2010 
Spectacular scenery and ever more spectacular timing. What did you do, pay off TWO chief dispatchers? Great job.
Posted by Michael Foley-YONKERS RAILS on July 27, 2010 
Imagine if the CP train was going in the same direction, now THAT would be icing on the cake for this photo! Beautiful scene. Just added it to my list of places to visit....someday.
Posted by Jim Dorst on July 27, 2010 
Nice capture. I hope you didn't work up to much of a sweat getting there on that hot afternoon.
Posted by Steve Carter on July 28, 2010 
Skip a couple of days, and look what I miss. Well done Dave! Love the sky!
Posted by Corey Vernier on July 29, 2010 
Congrats Dave, what a beautiful shot with a fascinating mix of engineering interest, stunning scenery and a heavy helping of 'right time right place'!
Posted by Darren Megowan on July 30, 2010 
Excellent capture David, and congratulations on POTW!
Posted by E.D. Motis on July 31, 2010 
It does not get any better. One word sums it up...."Splendid."
Posted by David Honan on August 1, 2010 
I really am just blown away by the response from the RP community to this photo. Thanks to everyone who took the time to express their thoughts, I truly appreciate them!
Posted by Max deBruyn on February 3, 2011 
As an aside to all the well deserved accolades, one would almost be tempted to view this photo as a wonderful Railset from a Modelling RR Club and used as a visual example of Government lunacy as it relates to expenditure of Tax Dollars. Two competing railroads in a similar market and each not being able to conclude that a joint venture on their part to tackle a natural road block would have resulted in half the cost of almost everything. I say everything because each unit would still have their individual set of "White Hars" on scene as well as a horde of "Clipboards" at head office, each intent on developing and maintaining their own Mousetrap of design and function. They eventually managed to do this further on albeit in a far less onerous area of road building and maintenance. It is a grand scene to be sure but at what cost when the obvious solution would have cost so much less. Actually a mirror image of the politics of this country; past, present and most likely the future.
Posted by David Honan on February 3, 2011 
Max, thanks for taking the time to detract from the discussion of photography by bringing politics into the comment trail. I would like to remind you that:
1) you're complaining about decisions made more than a century ago, which it's rather likely you were not around at the time to argue the merits for or against, and it's useless to do so now;
2) the Canadian Northern Railway completed its line to Vancouver through this region while still a private company, prior to nationalization in 1918;
3) healthy competition is never "lunacy"; by your argument, both the Northern Pacific and Great Northern mainlines from the Twin Cities to Seattle should never have been built, yet each continues to flourish more than a century after their completion -- and the latter was entirely financed by private concerns; and,
4) "obvious solutions" only become so in hindsight, which the politicians, financiers, corporate leaders and engineers who devised these lines did not have the ability to possess at the time of conception and construction.
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