Posted by Dwayne on September 6, 2011 
The scale in this picture is just staggering. I really do like the contrast with the colors as well. PCA for me.
Posted by Janusz Mrozek on September 6, 2011 
Nice! The silhouetted trees in the front add a spooky feel.
Posted by George W. Hamlin on September 6, 2011 
A masterpiece of subtle lighting
Posted by Charles Freericks on September 6, 2011 
Very, very cool... beautiful use of light.
Posted by on September 7, 2011 
This is excellent! Hands down PCA.
Posted by Randall on September 8, 2011 
Congrats on the PTW! Original and creative ...Well executed.
Posted by tsched on September 10, 2011 
Before I clicked on the thumbnail to get the bigger view, I thought the light was from a fire. Nice shot!
Posted by E.D. Motis on September 10, 2011 
Fantastic !
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