Posted by bradley on February 8, 2024 
Great shot Mr. Stookey! Don’t suppose you took pics of the flat loads? I see combines from Massy and Deere, looks like a crawler crane, and some Cat scrapers. Would be neat to see those!
Posted by Charles Stookey on February 9, 2024 
Thank you for the post. As I have aged I regret not taking pictures of consists, railroad structures, rolling stock, bridges and record shots of general surroundings. My deepest regret is not being a camera-carrying railfan from September 1965 through August 1969. I spent time in San Diego, San Francisco and about two and a half years in Long Beach on a destroyer.
Posted by bradley on June 10, 2024 
I stand convicted of the same crime. Didn't bother traveling around north Texas in the mid 80's taking pics, because 'no rush, it'll always be there'...
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